Sunday, June 19, 2011

Cicada Killer Season

I believe I saw my first Eastern Cicada Killer (Sphecius speciosus) of the season today. So, in honor of this recent sighting, I post this drawing of a helpless little cicada staring fate in the face. I do believe I was mistaken, but the time for their emergence is nigh. Cicadas beware, for your days may end like this one's.


  1. The cicadas are lucky I guess that they have another 11 years; in the mean time, the cicada killers will pick off the unfortunate few that pop up early. On the other hand, when the swarm comes, they might just overtake the cicada killers but I doubt it works that way.

  2. Comeuppance can be a bitch! The cicada killers should watch out for the time when the army hatches, too true. Until that day comes, the killer wasps will continue to paralyze the annual cicada population, drag them into their lair and feed them to their young.
